
We support you in generating insights whether from market data, by answering questions concerning your marketing-mix or strategic questions about the positioning of your brand in the competitive environment

To do so, we rely on broad spectrum of methods, which we have depicted in the table below:

Strategic Core Studies

  • Usage- and Attitude-Studies
  • Brand image/-positioning
  • Brand drive analyses
  • Brand stretching
  • Market segmentations

Consumer- and Shopper Insights

  • Insight generation
  • Shopper behaviour
  • Shelf optimization
  • Customer satisfaction
  • UX / User Experience

Innovation and Trend Research

  • Trend Research
  • Creativity workshops
  • Concept writing for new products
  • Concept tests

Product Research

  • (Concept-) Product tests
  • Package-/Design tests
  • Pricing tests
  • Conjoint analyses
  • Test market/-simulation

Communication Research

  • Advertising tracking
  • Advertising efficiency
  • Brand tracking
  • TV Commercial-Tests
  • Media-Mix Tests

Market Insights (Panel Research)

  • Panel analyses
  • Reporting systems
  • Launch monitorings
  • Secondary analyses
  • Desk research



Kai Saalbach
Rischkamp 34
D-30659 Hannover

T  +49 (0) 511 45 93 06 54

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